Extended Warranty Services Merchant Account


We pride ourselves in knowing the ins and outs of the extended warranty industry and the myriad of products they protect. Whether it’s automobiles, electronics, or computers; Connected.co’s expert consultants understand the inherent challenges your business faces. Especially due to the high chargeback nature of your customer base and the steady trend of banking partners shedding themselves of these risks. This is where we can protect you.

For years, Connected.co has cultivated a bevy of strong banking partners with the risk appetite to accept cutting edge businesses. They trust in our ability to improve your business model and mitigate the chargeback risk from all angles to extend your merchant account’s longevity for a lifetime.  After all, our goal is to help you manage every aspect of your payment processing and merchant account services so that you don't have to worry about your e-commerce trivialities.  Instead, you can purely focus on taking your business to new heights.  That is the peace of mind we provide.

Let's get you connected.

Why Choose Connected.co?


Full-Service Provider for Warranty Services

Connected.co offers a full suite of online payment processing solutions designed to maximize revenues for your business. We are high-risk experts, and are eager to impress you with the best service in the industry. Contact us today!